Tag: Family Law

The Role of a Divorce Consultant in Navigating Divorce (Ep. 29)

The Role of a Divorce Consultant in Navigating Divorce (Ep. 29)

Did you know that hiring a divorce consultant can save you not only money but also significant emotional stress during your legal proceedings? 

Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones delve into the concept of divorce consulting, discussing its origins, benefits, and practical applications. They explore when it might be advantageous to hire a divorce consultant and how this approach can provide clarity and support during complex family law cases.

Justin and Andrea touch on:

  • Understanding what divorce consulting is and its key benefits
  • How to navigate tensions with your current attorney using a consultant
  • The importance of second opinions in high-stakes family law cases
  • Examples of how consulting has helped in various family law scenarios
  • And more!


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Transforming High Conflict Divorce into Peaceful Co-Parenting (Ep. 28)

Transforming High Conflict Divorce into Peaceful Co-Parenting (Ep. 28)

Did you know that the way conflict is managed in a divorce can dramatically affect the stress levels of everyone involved, including the children? This could change how you act during the divorce and negatively impact your case.

However, managing that stress effectively could mean greater gain for your children after the divorce if finalized. 

Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones share valuable insights on managing stress and conflicts to prioritize the well-being of children caught in the crossfire. 

Justin and Andrea touch on:

  • Understanding the nuances of high-conflict divorce and its impact on all parties involved.
  • Strategies for managing personal and interpersonal conflict throughout the divorce process.
  • The role of effective communication and legal support in navigating high-conflict situations.
  • Tips for prioritizing the well-being of children and maintaining a healthy co-parenting relationship.
  • And more!

Connect with Justin Sisemore

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Dealing with Narcissism in Divorce (Ep. 21)

Dealing with Narcissism in Divorce (Ep. 21)

Are you co-parenting with someone you believe has narcissistic tendencies? Or perhaps starting a divorce and want to bring up possible narcissism in the other party? 

Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones explore how a diagnosis of narcissism can influence a divorce or co-parenting strategies – especially an early diagnosis. The break down the difference between a true narcissist and someone who just has narcissistic tendencies, stressing the importance of recognizing triggers and establishing boundaries when dealing with these individuals.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • What is the difference between a narcissist and someone with narcissistic tendencies
  • What tactics do narcissists use in family law matters 
  • What are effective ways to deal with a narcissist in legal proceedings
  • Why is it important to focus on internal factors, such as setting boundaries, rather than trying to change the narcissist
  • And more!

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Ensuring Equal Parenting Rights as a Father during Custody Agreements (Ep. 17)

Ensuring Equal Parenting Rights as a Father during Custody Agreements (Ep. 17)

When women were the primary caregiver for their children, courts tended to favour them when dealing with divorce and custody arrangements. Today, many families split both parenting and work.

In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones dive into the father’s rights regarding child custody. They focus on how custody proceedings have changed and what should be prioritized when aiming for primary custody, whether you are a man or woman.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  •  What father’s rights mean in the modern custody case
  • How courts determine primary custody when both parents work
  • Why 50/50 custody may not be the best option for the child’s development
  • The importance of keeping an organized and clear presentation of legal strategies during custody cases 
  • And more!

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Behind The Scenes Of Divorce Proceedings (Ep. 14)

Behind The Scenes Of Divorce Proceedings (Ep. 14)

In divorce proceedings, half of the battle is behind-the-scenes, when attorneys gather information and build the right strategy for each circumstance. 

In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones focus on the process behind divorce proceedings and how attorneys function as a team to build your divorce strategy. Justin shares how he stays in constant communication with the client and ensures they are confident in the team.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • The first step in starting a divorce proceeding  
  • How technology has made communication easier for attorneys and their clients, as well as between attorneys
  • Why compartmentalizing personal emotions is essential for clients when in court and facing their spouse
  • How your actions reflect on future relationships
  • And more!

Connect with Justin Sisemore

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Why Children Resist Visitation After Divorce (Ep.10)

Why Children Resist Visitation After Divorce (Ep.10)

It can be easy to give in when a child starts crying. You want to protect your child from the hurt you assume they are experiencing at the other parent’s home. What if that isn’t the case? What if giving in isn’t the best option for the child’s well-being? 

In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones focus on children after divorce, the emotional spectrum they go through as they age and the assumptions parents make about the wants and needs, especially with the first child. They share their experiences with children of different age groups and how parents can protect themselves from losing visitation.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • Why young children cry when leaving the primary parent and why parents should avoid giving in to the emotions  
  • The importance of reinforcing the court rules of visitation on the children while showing the children they are loved
  • The legal troubles of avoiding visitation and enforcing different rules
  • How to differentiate the needs of the child from the wants of the parents
  • And more!

Connect with Justin Sisemore

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Texas Style Family Court (Ep.8)

Texas Style Family Court (Ep.8)

During custody battles, both parents often want sole custody of the children. But is that what’s best?

In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones discuss the Texas rules and regulations surrounding custody battles. They share personal and professional stories of custody battles, how Justin advises clients attempting to get sole custody, and Andrea’s viewpoint as a mother on the impact custody battles have on children.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • The difference between sole custody and joint custody
  • Why sole custody is difficult to achieve
  • How parents in a custody battle should act when aiming for sole custody
  • What children learn from custody battles
  • And more

Connect with Justin Sisemore

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What To Do When Your Ex Keeps Dragging You Back To Court (Ep.7)

What To Do When Your Ex Keeps Dragging You Back To Court (Ep.7)

There’s no doubt that divorce can be really messy, and it doesn’t take long for it to get there.

It is at this point that a good divorce lawyer comes into play.

In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones discuss the tactics attorneys use in family court, what you can expect in a direct cross examination, and what happens when your ex keeps dragging you back to court!

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • How they help people navigate messy divorces
  • The process of a direct cross examination
  • What their best at, how they are the best at it, and how it can help your divorce case
  • What sets the good lawyers apart from the bad
  • And more!


Connect with Justin Sisemore

Connect with Andrea Jones:

The Key Stages of the Divorce Process (Ep.6)

The Key Stages of the Divorce Process (Ep.6)

Marriage requires a lot of collaboration…financially and emotionally to create a good family structure and dynamic.

Oftentimes, when a couple separates, it can be hard to re-build this structure.

In this episode, Justin Sisemore discusses some of the key steps within the divorce process and highlights the value each step can provide to you when re-structuring a family dynamic without a spouse.

Justin and Andrea discusses:

  • The different tactics attorneys use to maximize the outcome of divorce and custody cases
  • Temporary orders and the value they can bring you during the divorce
  • The “discovery process” and how it can help you minimize costs during a divorce
  • How attorneys can help you become more detail-oriented during the divorce and why this can make the transition much smoother
  • And more!


In Your Best Interest: The Process of Divorce and Custody Modification (Ep.5)

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The Process of Divorce and Custody Modification (Ep.5)

The Process of Divorce and Custody Modification (Ep.5)

If you’re going through a divorce, this is the episode for you.

Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones are here to discuss child custody and how to approach these difficult situations. They provide expert advice to help you make the best decisions for your family.

In this episode, Justin and Andrea provide insight on how to approach these situations when two divorced parents disagree on how it should be handled.

Justin and Andrea discuss:

  • The process of divorce and custody modification
  • What constitutes parental or grandparent alienation and how you can approach these issues
  • When substance abuse endangers a child and how these scenarios play out in the court system
  • Introducing new love interests to kids of divorcees 
  • And more!



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